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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Two weeks ago a wretched man decided he couldn't cope.
He gave his family his last dollar, and then he gave up hope.
He threw himself onto the path of an onrushing train
He ended it all, his hopes, his dreams, but most of all his pain.

The news reported his tragic end, and played up the sad story
The people read about his family and they all felt rather sorry
So they opened first their hearts to them and then their wallets too
And did for the family what the dead man could ne'er hope to do.

Half a million did they collect to help them thru their grief
It was incredible, the cash flowed in, so short a time so brief.
What worried me was the encouragement and what others might try to do
If that family could get that much, what might they get too?

So yesterday at Clementi another one met his end
Did he perhaps also hoped his death might make amends?
Did he hope his poignant end might touch the public's heart
And lead the people once again to do their charitable part?

It's very sad, it's crazy, mad - that this is how some cope
If life's too hard, just end it all, in death you might give hope
But sadder still that an act or will of charity has beget
Not the promise of better days, but instead bitter sad regret

The people all had good intent but hell is paved with them
Their charity brought hope perhaps, but it also tempt
Those who might have struggled still instead have now decided
That hope lies not with struggling, but in ending life suicided

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Samsung has unveiled the Samsun K5, MPEreedom with a slide out speakers so you can share your life's soundtrack everywhere! With your friends! Your Neighbours! The Sleepy Ah Pek on the bus next to you. The irritated office worker who's just trying to get a peaceful ride home after a hard day's work. The harried mother who had just managed to shush her colicky infant just 3 seconds before you boarded the bus with your K5 blasting the latest cool House Techno crap you and your beng frens call music.

Yeah. Just what the world needs. Kind people who just want to share their... music with the rest of an uncaring world.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Whose fault is it?

The New Paper reported (oct 21) that a Guest DJ at the New Asia Bar got mad at the patrons who kept asking him to spin R&B tracks when his forte was sexy minimal techno house dance tracks.

When he decided enough was enough, he said he would spin what he liked and the patrons could leave if they didn't like it.

Whose fault is it? The patrons for being dull, closed-minded boors who just wanted to listen to comfortable but tired old tracks?

The DJ for being such a diva and insisting on playing his music instead of what the customers wanted?

No. The fault lies with the management of the bar who picked the guest DJ. They knew what he spun and they knew what their customers go to their bar for. What made them think that the what the DJ played would satisfy their customer?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

 A Singaporean is someone who obsesses over what it means to be Singaporean.

A Singaporean is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

A Singaporean is someone who complains that the government is controlling everything! And that the government should do something about it.