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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Monday, October 23, 2006

Whose fault is it?

The New Paper reported (oct 21) that a Guest DJ at the New Asia Bar got mad at the patrons who kept asking him to spin R&B tracks when his forte was sexy minimal techno house dance tracks.

When he decided enough was enough, he said he would spin what he liked and the patrons could leave if they didn't like it.

Whose fault is it? The patrons for being dull, closed-minded boors who just wanted to listen to comfortable but tired old tracks?

The DJ for being such a diva and insisting on playing his music instead of what the customers wanted?

No. The fault lies with the management of the bar who picked the guest DJ. They knew what he spun and they knew what their customers go to their bar for. What made them think that the what the DJ played would satisfy their customer?

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