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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Monday, November 13, 2006

Some entrepreneurial ideas

Love Motels
Yes we have Hotel 81, but we don't have love motels. These don't have to be sleazy. In fact they could be downright romantic (okay and sleazy too). The key idea of love motels is that they provide a place for romantic interludes from the elegant to the tacky. Rose-scented baths, candle light and aromatherapy, ambience, jacuzzi, massaging showers, waterbeds, etc.

The idea is not to provide a place just for a quickie, but an escape to relive the romance.

Promotional rates for exact anniversary dates (bring marriage cert), anniversary months, couples with more than 2 kids, etc.

Air Plain
Okay, not exactly a fresh idea. Just a kind of joke name for a budget airline: Air Plain. Save money on painting the aircrafts. Any plain sheet of paper is your letterhead. Flight crew don't need uniforms or their uniforms are a plain white t-shirt. Including the captain.

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