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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Thursday, January 11, 2007

T.T. Durai first thought he could talk his way out of the SPH suit, but after two days, he realised that he was bing forced to tell more than he wanted, and nothing he say would make him look good. So realising his lost cause, he threw in the towel and dropped his suit against SPH.

Subsequently, this week the New NKF sued him and after the opening statement by the opposing counsel, he realised that as the case dragged on, he was going to be dragged through the mud. Wisely, he decided to save his name and concede.

In two or three months time, he will face criminal proceedings. It is also likely that after hearing the opening statement by the prosecution, he will decide to cut his losses and plead guilty.

Which means that he will never have to answer personally the questions that is on everyone's mind.

The only way to make him speak is if the remaining respondents in the current case, decide to call him as a hostile witness...

Then we will hear from the horse's mouth.

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