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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So Mahathir ends the little truce and comes out swinging.

He warns Abdullah not to let his son-in-law become PM because as a democratic country Malaysia should oppose any attempt to create a political dynasty. "In our country," he's reported to have said, "anyone can be the PM. Even the fisherman." But not the son-in-law of the PM. Or a homosexual.

And he accused Abdullah of being intolerant.

"Hello, Kettle? This is Pot. You're Black."

So who was it that persecuted his DPM with charges of homosexuality and kick him out of the political party just because the DPM didn't agree with him?

Sorry, that should have been: "Hello, Snow? This is Pot. You're Black!"

He was also reported to have said:
"We should quickly renegotiate the water deals so we can raise the price of raw water we sell to Singapore." That way Malaysia will have more incentive to sell water to Singapore and Johor won't get flooded. So ya, it's Singapore's fault that Johor flooded. Because we didn't buy more water. Instead we make our own water!

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