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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Monday, March 26, 2007

Here's the news...

Singapore, Malaysia approves bullet train. (26 Mar) The New Straits Times citing unnamed sources from a Malaysian conglomerate said that the governments of Malaysia and Singapore had approved plans for a bullet train from KL to Singapore.

Based on past experience, the Singapore Foreign Affairs Ministry should be issuing a "huh?" the next day. If it is confirmed by the Singapore Government, I'll... stop blogging for a few days.

DVD Pirates put bounty on dogs. (23 Mar) Malaysian movie and music pirates put a contract out on the sniffer dogs that busted their million dollar cache of DVDs. They are now trying to confuse the dogs by spraying chemicals on their DVDs. So next time you go to your friend's place and he plays you the latest Ghostrider DVD, take a sniff. If it smells like curry, it could be fake.

At least the DVD pirates aren't thinking too smart. One suggestion for drug dealers is to pretend to be blind, get a guide dog and hide the drugs up the dog's anus. Then when he passes the narco dogs, it is only natural for dogs to sniff each others arse and the narco officers will never get suspicious.

So now you know why there are so few guide dogs in Singapore.

Probably won't work with DVDs tho... (ouch!)

Granite quarry blast could be deliberate - Indon police. (26 Mar) Gee. You think? It's all well and good bashing Singapore for the sake of (Indonesian) Nation building. But when people start believing your stupid rhetoric and start engaging in terrorist activities, then the demogogic politicians are no better than radical fundamental Islamists militants...

Minister's Pay. What can I say that has not been said? $2.2m a year? That's about $183k a month. Or $6,100 per day. Or $254 per hour. If he sleeps 8 hours each night, that's $2000 gone! If we don't count sleeping hours, that's still $382 per hour for every waking hour. If he's constipated and spent 30 minutes in the loo, that's $190 down the toilet!

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