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On a little ship called, "Singapore".

Friday, May 04, 2007

So apparently, the blogosphere is dying.


Must be the thinning Ozone layer.

Bloggers have bee closing down their blogs. The disappointment over the ineffectiveness of blogging as a way of changing the government's decision was the last straw, it seems.

It's unfortunate. Think global act local. Or in other words, give me courage to change what I can, serenity to accept what I cannot and wisdom to know the difference.

Too much courage, not enough wisdom and serenity.

So over lunch I was talking to my colleague about this. Perhaps, I said, this was all a conspiracy. By making such a big deal about this, and then dashing the hopes of the bloggers, the government had anticipated that bloggers would then curl up and die from sheer frustration and exhaustion.

Nah, said my colleague. The govt is smart, but not that smart.

Well, yah. Maybe not this time around, but the govt can learn. The next time it has a very controversial plan, it will first discuss another slightly less controversial plan, dash all the hopes and see bloggers die off. Then it will introduce the very controversial plan and not worry because all the critical bloggers would have died off! That's now a standard operating procedure for govt controversial policy announcement.

Those whom the govt seek to destroy, they first make mad with frustration.

Passion needs a climax to satisfy and sustain. Without a climatic resolution, there is dissatisfaction, frustration, and disengagement.

To endure in this, passion needs to be tempered with pragmatism, and wisdom.

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